Chicago Lifestyle and Portrait Photographer

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Tiny Life Stories

My parents gifted me a box of old family photos. Looking through those images brought back so many memories and stories. I asked about the people in the images I didn’t recognize what was happening at the time it was taken. They told me what they could recall and I remember seeing the joy in their faces as they remembered people and places they hadn’t thought about in years.  It was an afternoon of storytelling, lessons and discovery that started me on an unexpected chapter of my photography journey, documenting tiny life stories.

Tiny Life Stories are a powerful way to bring stories to life, and can be a meaningful way to share your story.

They are stories that capture small moments in life. They may be moments of joy, sadness, discovery, surprise, or any other emotion. These stories can be about anything from a special memory, a time spent with loved ones, or a moment that changed your outlook on life. Tiny life stories are about capturing the little moments that make life special.

How to Record Tiny Life Stories

Recording your tiny life stories is a great way to capture and remember special moments. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Start by recording the moment that you want to remember. You can take a picture, video or a combination of both to capture the moment.

  • Include details such as the time of day, the people involved, and any other special details that make the moment unique.

  • Finally, write a few sentences to summarize the story. This can be a few sentences about the story, or it can be a reflection about what the moment meant to you.

By recording your tiny life stories, you can look back, remember the special moments in your life.

You can use these stories to reflect on the past, to look forward to the future, and to appreciate the small moments that make life so beautiful. An old family photo is a great way to start, but you can also include images, videos, and audio recordings from other points in your life.

My project will have a mix of old and new photos. I will use the old images to trigger my memories and write about people and events I’ve long forgotten about. I’ll also talk to my parents to get the stories behind some of the images, New images will be documented for my family and kids. I want them to look back and see their childhood, their life in words and images. I will also take video, but I haven’t figured out how I’m going to past those down to my kids.

Creating this collection of memories can be a meaningful and powerful way to share your story, so start collecting your photos and other materials and begin creating your visual memoir today. Feel free to join my newsletter to follow along and get tips on how you can start to document your stories.

Do you have any old photos from your childhood? What are you doing to preserve your memories now, lets talk about it in the comments.