The Importance of Printing your Images

We are taking photos more than ever, but they’re nearly all digital files with very few prints being produced. By now we know that digital never means safe, phones are lost or stolen, hard drives crash and people are locked out of their social media accounts every day. Yet millions of memories are currently being entrusted to websites, clouds and phones.

The risk of losing our stories could be felt by an entire generation, as we grow up without a printed record of our lives.

The most photographed generation of all time could wind up being the next Lost Generation.

Data from a survey conducted by the Professional Photographers of America found that 42% of people will likely look back and wonder where photos of their childhood, holiday get-togethers, relatives and friends have gone decades from now. It was also notes that 67% of people store their photos solely on a computer or phone.

53% of people have not printed a photo in more than 12 months, 70% don’t have photo albums, and 42% no longer print photos at all.

We know that family heirlooms like pocket watches, quilts and wedding dresses have survived the disruption caused by technological advancements.

We have to remember the value and importance of printed, framed, and mounted photographs in our lives and for the generations after us.


Children love to see images of themselves around the house, newlyweds have fond moments when they see their wedding photo on the mantle or walls, and our most beloved pets are sealed in time all thanks to the power of print.


Why Print Your Images?

  • Because technology comes and goes.

  • Because your prints are for today, tomorrow and all the tomorrows after that.

  • Because prints remind us of what love really feels like.

  • Because they’re only young once.

  • Because the place to save money is not on the most important purchases.

  • Because so many photos get lost, or even worse, deleted off of old hard drives.

  • Because you can touch and feel your memories.

  • Because you put too much work into your family not to show them off!

  • Because a hard drive doesn’t trigger a smile.

  • Because memories are tied to touch.

  • Because there’s nothing like sitting down by a fireplace and flipping through the pages of a family album.

  • Because your parents and grandparents won’t be around forever.

I carry a wide selection of print products designed to show and preserve your families’ memories. Contact me here to learn schedule a portrait session that includes a print credit; and join my mailing list below to get tips and tricks on learn how to get started on preserving your families stories


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Senior Portraits - Ashley